The Knot
The Knot MTB Race is the series opener for the Southern Classic Series and is also the first race in the South Carolina State MTB Championships! We will be on site for race number pick-up and day-of registration the morning of the race beginning at 7:00 AM. We accept cash, check (made payable to Mt. Pleasant Velo), PayPal (racedirector@mtpleasantvelo.org) or credit card. Registration for each category will close fifteen minutes prior to the the start of your wave. Please see our registration page for details on start times, race maps, and categories. The event is held rain or shine (and will only be delayed for serious weather). As of now the forecast is calling for sunny skies and a 100% chance of awesome. Please plan accordingly.
All are welcome to pre-ride the course (see map) while we set things up on Saturday (day before the event). Please beware that the course has one road crossing. This crossing will be manned with volunteers on Sunday, but it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure it is safe to cross. Please also beware of this fact when you are arriving at the park; cyclists are everywhere!
As mentioned, volunteers and Park Rangers will be on course. Please look out for them in the event of a mechanical or a crash. Safety is our top priority and we want to make sure everyone has a safe and fun event! Parts of the course run on the Palmetto Trail, which will be open for hikers, so pay attention.
Race parking for Sunday will be in the field at the end of Poinsett Park road near the Poinsett State Park offices. Please follow park signage and Park Ranger directions for parking. Please be courteous to Park officials and volunteers and please respect the Park’s no alcohol policy; they are a huge part of our race and Poinsett State Park has done some excellent things for Mountain Biking in South Carolina. Please be sure to thank them and please consider donating to the park. Donation and information boxes will be available at the park and will go towards trail maintenance and development inside Poinsett!
Food vendors (tentative) will be available for purchase following the races. (CASH preferred)!!
If you are still looking for accommodations, they still have plenty of campsites (both with and without electrical hook-ups) and RV sites available. Please contact the Park for reservations (803-494-8177).
We’re looking forward to the race! Thanks to all participants and sponsors (be sure to check them out)! Race Sponsors: Cane Creek, Affordabike, Koala Bottle, Feedback Sports, and Poinsett State Park. Race results will be posted as soon as possible to USA Cycling. Live race results will be available at Webscorer.com/mpvelo.
Thanks again and we hope you have a great race!