****TENTATIVE FOR 2021****
Strade Boro takes place on the dirt roads of Bulloch County Georgia, near the city of Statesboro.
Bulloch County is home to hundreds of miles of dirt roads and features the highest concentration of unpaved roads in America. Strade Boro starts and finishes in the city of Stateboro. Riders can expect rolling terrain with road surfaces of clay, hard-packed dirt, and some sand.
Strade Boro is a self-supported gravel fondo with routes of 50 and 100 kilometers. There will be a minimum of one aid station for the 100k course. The 50k course will have several nearby gas stations for riders to re-stock if needed. Riders should be prepared to fix anything that may come their way (flats, mechanicals, etc).
Post event food will be provided by local favorite, Chazitos Latin Cuisine and custom Strade Boro 100% cotton event T-shirt are included in your registration.
The event is promoted by Mt. Pleasant Velo.
Race Notes and Information
Strade Boro Gravel Fondo will take place on the dirt roads in and around Bulloch County surrounding Statesboro, Georgia.
There will be a minimum of one aid station along the 100k course. Riders should be prepared to fix anything that may come their way (flats, mechanicals, etc). Please plan accordingly. Post event food food (included) will be provided by Chazitos Latin Cuisine. Custom Strade Boro cotton event T-shirt is included in your registration (must register by March 15th to be guaranteed a T-shirt).
Event Schedule (TENTATIVE FOR 2021):
Friday, November 5, 2021
Packet pickup will be available from 5-7:00pm at Eagle Creek Brewing Company. Come join us at the brewery for number pickup and a few beers!
Saturday, November 6, 2021
The Strade Boro Gravel Fondo starts at 9:00am (for both the 50 and 100-kilometer routes). This is a timed event. Podiums for the top three finishers in each category will be held immediately following the Fondo.
GPS Routes (with downloadable cues (available October 14, 2021):
100 Kilometer Route
50 Kilometer Route
A minimum of one stocked aid station will be available along the 100-kilometer course. Be prepared to be self-sufficient and bring with you what you think you may need for before, during, and after the event.
Cutoff Times:
100 Kilometer Ride - Riders must reach the mid-point at 4 hours must complete the course within 8 hours.
50 Kilometer Ride - Riders must complete the 50 miles course within 5 hours.
Start Location:
Categories: (for all events)
Men Open Men Open 40+ Men Open 50+ Women Open
Online Registration ends Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 8:00pm.
Day of Registration will be available at the starting area beginning at 7:00am on Saturday, November 6, 2021.
There will be a $10.00 day of registration late fee for all events.
Early number and packet pickup will be available from 5-7:00pm Friday, November 5, at Eagle Creek Brewing Company. Please join us for pre-Fondo beers!
Custom Strade Boro Finisher Awards will be given to all finishers. The top 3 finishers of each category will be recognized with on the podium following the event.
Rules and General Information:
Helmets MUST be worn and fastened at all times while on the bike.
The course and all roads are open to traffic. ALL racers MUST obey all rules of the road along the course, at intersections and road crossings. Racers should yield to all traffic and should stop at all road crossings where traffic is present. There will be several highway and road crossings with heavy car and truck traffic. There may be an area of the course where the racers will share the road with car and truck traffic. Please keep to the right and ride single file except where passing. Following the rules of the road is for your own safety.
Though there will be an aid station on the course, racers should carry with them what they need including tools, parts and nutrition.
Course cue sheets will be distributed to all riders at packet pickup and the course download will be available for navigation systems. Additional cue sheets will be available at the start-finish area and at the mid-point aid station. The courses will be marked but the racers/rider should not solely rely on these markings.
Cyclocross, Gravel, Mountain and Road bikes will be allowed and can be used. The best choice would be a cyclocross or gravel bike. A minimum of 28c wide tires with tread is recommended.
Please let the staff know if you leave the event. We want to ensure everyone is safe and accounted for at the end of the day.
Absolutely no littering on the course. Littering on course will result in disqualification. It is vital we leave the area as we found it.
Mount Pleasant Velo Events, LLC Event Refund/Credit Policy:
Mount Pleasant Velo Events, LLC does not provide refunds for event entry fees or extras ordered during the registration process (ie: hats, shirts, tickets, etc.).
Event credits, valid toward other Mount Pleasant Velo events, may be issued up to two (2) weeks prior to the registered event in cases of unforeseen circumstances where event insurance is not available. In these cases, the participant must notify Mount Pleasant Velo Events, LLC.
NO​ refunds or credits will be issued for event registrations or other extras within two (2) weeks of the event or post event.
Questions: E-mail: racedirector@mtpleasantvelo.org
Facebook: Strade Boro Gravel Fondo