Thank you for your interest in GPS event tracking using Follow My Challenge USA!
Complete this form for SPOT Tracker Rental and Mapping Services.
Already own a SPOT or InReach Tracker? Click here to register for Mapping services only.
The live tracking map will be hosted here: http://[URL]
Participants will display on the map after activating their tracker.
Batteries: Rental SPOT Gen4 trackers are powered by four, triple-A (4xAAA), lithium batteries.
Energizer 'Ultimate Lithium' (model L92) must be used. Two sets may be required to complete your route.
Grand Depart/Mass Start event rental trackers are shipped directly to the event promoter and will be available for pick-up at the event. Solo and Individual Time Trial (ITT) attempts are shipped to the individual.
Participants (Event Directors for Grand Depart/Mass Start events) renting SPOTs are responsible for timely return shipping to the below address. There is a $XXX fee assessed for late returns.
Follow My Challenge USA
3286 John Bartram Place
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466.
Questions? Email: